Managing Hypertension: The Ayurveda Way

“With time, not only can you manage hypertension, but you can also reverse it.”

- Dr. Bhavani Swaminathan

In conversation with a few Silver Talkies members, Dr. Bhavani Swaminathan, diabetes and nutrition specialist at Aakanksha Desire for Wellness in Mumbai, discussed alternative ways to manage hypertension, which is also known as high blood pressure. If not managed well, hypertension can lead to heart attacks, seizures, and even strokes. By explaining five holistic approaches to managing hypertension in all age groups, especially older adults, Dr. Swaminathan detailed the Ayurvedic components of bodily healing from hypertension.

Tip 1: The Alkaline Diet

According to Dr. Swaminathan, the most common method of reducing blood pressure is by reducing salt intake. At the same time, an alkaline-based diet is more suitable to beat hypertension. Her other tips are as follows:

  1. Drink 2-3 glasses of warm water as soon as you wake up, and before brushing your teeth.
  2. After brushing your teeth, drink another glass of warm water, but this time, add a bit of lemon to it. Take a lemon shot if that suits your body. Doing this not only allows for the acidity in the lemon to cleanse your digestive system, but the process of digestion converts the acid into an alkaline form, which also helps in managing various issues such as cancer, diabetes, and blood pressure.
  3. After 45 minutes, have a glass of fresh juice or coconut water. Even though it might seem challenging, try to avoid drinking tea and coffee in the mornings.
  4. After an hour, have a light, fruit and vegetables-based breakfast, with minimal oil and salt.
  5. Before lunch, have a light bowl of salad and a handful of dry fruits; consume food such as rice, dal, and vegetables, all cooked in minimal oil.
  6. In the period between lunch and dinner, around 4:30-5:00 pm, while having tea/coffee, do not consume fatty snacks; instead, have low-fat and fresh snacks such as makhana, and some fruits.
  7. Do not consume fruits after 5:00 pm, as the acidity can fluctuate and can go high.
  8. Have your dinner by 7:30 pm, so that there is an adequate 14-hour gap between dinner and breakfast the next morning.

Dr. Bhavani also suggests a vegan diet as the healthiest option; the saturated fats in meat and other animal-based products can negatively impact blood and cholesterol levels. A vegan diet also helps in maintaining a healthy body mass index.

Tip 2: Regular Exercise

Physical fitness not only promotes homeostasis and good vitals but also aids in the active aging process. A daily exercise routine of almost an hour, especially sweaty exercises that release toxins such as brisk walking, running, and yoga, is beneficial.

Along with stretching and yoga to balance breathing, a practice of Pranayama for 10-15 minutes can improve health, manage blood pressure levels, and prevent hypertension. Exercising outdoors in the sunlight can also help to remove toxins through sweating, helping the body to maintain normal alkaline levels.

Tip 3: The Mind Check

According to Ayurveda, negative emotions are seen as hindrances to a healthy body and are associated with toxins traveling through the body, causing further harm to internal health management. Emotional stress, anxiety, and anger can transiently elevate blood pressure and are factors that lead to hypertension. Additionally, avoid looking at phone, tablet, or TV screens for the first 90 minutes after waking up.

Keeping one’s mind positive and learning to stay happy is key to achieving total well-being. Hypertension is often associated with psychosomatic issues and emotional constraints such as prolonged low moods, and even depression. Treating our minds with care is of utmost importance in cases of severe issues such as hypertension, to understand our bodies, and provide efficient care for ourselves, holistically and emotionally.

Tip 4: Psycho-Neurobic Techniques of Meditation

Dr. Swaminathan shared the mindful practice of traditional meditation, and how that can help to manage hypertension. The Psycho Neurobic Technique, when incorporated into daily practices, can prevent hypertension in the long term. This technique is formulated using three forms of therapies, and combining them into one easy practice.

Mudra Therapy: Sit comfortably, either with your legs crossed or even on a chair. Straighten your back but do not stress it backwards. Touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb, while curling the remaining three fingers gently. Place your hands comfortably on your thighs.

Sound Therapy: As you breathe in deeply, make a long, drawn-out "E" sound while exhaling. Repeat this for 5 minutes, focusing on the sound and your breath.

Color Therapy: Place a green object, such as a piece of cloth or paper, in front of you (before you take the seated position, of course). Gaze at the green color while practicing the mudra and sound therapy. Green is associated with the heart chakra, which is the focus of this meditation.

By activating the Anahata chakra (heart chakra) and engaging multiple senses at the same time (touch, sound, sight), this technique helps with mental focus and aids in managing hypertension by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Tip 5: Wet Pack Therapy

Wet pack therapy is another similar holistic approach to managing hypertension. This technique usually involves wrapping a wet cloth around specific body areas to draw out toxins and promote relaxation. This therapy has significant positive effects, especially in managing hypertension, particularly in combination with meditation and diet.

Through the process of detoxification, anxiety and stress levels can be maintained, which helps in reducing the chances of fluctuating blood pressure. Wet pack therapy also helps in blood circulation, reducing the chances of hypertension, and you can do this yourself at home.

Photo Credit: Satopradhan<br>
Photo Credit: Satopradhan
  1. Use three cotton cloths, with the cloth for your abdomen being larger. Soak the clothes in warm water and remove excess water. The clothes need to be put in warm water only once.
  2. Wrap the wet cloth around the forehead, neck, and abdomen. Ensure the clothes are tight but do not constrict blood flow.
  3. Maintain the wet pack for 25-30 minutes. This duration allows for effective detoxification and relaxation.
  4. Practice wet pack therapy after the morning lemon water and before exercise. This timing helps to cleanse the digestive system and prepare the body for physical activity.

Hypertension can be managed and prevented by combining all the above processes, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, as well as adequate sleep.

About the author

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Tamanna Das

Tamanna Das is an Undergraduate Student at FLAME University in Pune, and is currently pursuing her BA in Sociology and Literature. She is an avid reader, professional content writer, and proud pet parent, and is focused on working with communities in the sectors of health, humanitarian assistance, and grassroots research.

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29 Aug, 2024

very informative and useful

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22 Jul, 2024

very Useful Thank you

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