Dementia Support Groups in India

Finding a dementia support group can help you deal with the challenge of caregiving for a loved one with dementia. 

unnamed-70-300x225Seeing a loved one’s decline into dementia or Alzheimer’s disease can be heart wrenching. It can also mean that someone from the family has to take on the role of a caregiver. The task is challenging, rewarding and exhausting at the same time and several caregivers feel the need to connect with others in the same situation. Becoming part of a Dementia Support Group can help you learn to navigate the situation better and give you a peer group dealing with similar issues.

What is a dementia support group?

The aim of dementia support group is to provide the care givers an environment of support and platform to share their feelings.It is essentially a group for the people who are taking care of Dementia patients. The group helps the caregiver understand and cope with the complexities of the disease, provides them with a supportive atmosphere where they can express the stress of taking care of their loved ones with Dementia. 

Why is it needed? 

Dementia is characterised by a progressive decline in cognitive, physical and functional abilities. As a dementia patient loses one ability after another, a caregiver has to face tests of stamina, problem solving, and resiliency. With increasing responsibilities it is easy to become overwhelmed and neglect their own health and well-being. The burden of caregiving can put caregivers at increased risk for significant health and psychological problems. A Dementia support group is a safe place for caregivers to meet and develop a mutual support system. The care givers can gain information on methods of coping with the disease. We bring you some Dementia Support Groups across India. 

Samvedna Senior Care

Gurgaon, Haryana

This support group is for families of patients of Dementia and the objective is to share knowledge and information on Dementia and help families deal with the challenges associated with this illness. A typical meeting involves sharing and participating in activities and singing and dancing together. Once in a while an expert is invited to talk about relevant issues at the meeting. Members are asked to share their story and instances like what were the first symptoms they noticed in their loved one and how did they accept when their loved one was first diagnosed with dementia. They are also asked to share instances of success or failures in caregiving that other members can learn from. Information on latest research in Dementia is also shared with the members.

Nightingales Medical Trust 

Bangalore, Karnataka


The support group meetings are held with minimum 15-20 caregivers at various locations around Bangalore for two to two and half hours, usually on a Saturday. It is open to all, family & caregivers, students working with elders or anyone interested in knowing more about dementia. The sessions begin with a group discussion and open forum where everyone is asked to share their experience, the daily schedule at home and other issues. All this is followed by a small talk by an expert who has been invited and deals with various issues over the different sessions. Members try to find a solution towards caregiving in the midst of busy working lives and share tips with each other on behavioural patterns, healthcare tips, etc. Members have even formed a group on the messaging service Whatsapp and stay in touch with each other. You can email them to find out the date for the next meeting.

ARDSI, Hyderabad, Deccan Chapter Office & Dementia Activity Centre

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


9618527072, 9004528557, 9246519063

Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India Hyderabad (ARDSI) has a centre equipped for persons with dementia. It has an associated memory clinic. Please do check their very useful website listed above. For monthly caregiver support group meetings in Hyderabad, contact them on email or call. 

Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital


Tel: 020-40151000/66023000 (extension 1059)

The hospital conducts various Dementia Support Services. Memory clinics, guidance and counselling, memory improvement and memory exercise programs, and Alzheimer’s support group meetings, dementia research, and dementia awareness. Call them to know dates and timings.

Echoing Healthy Ageing,


E-mail:, Ph: (+91) 9167 61 3665

Contact person: Amrita Patil Pimpale

Echoing Healthy Ageing is a social enterprise working in Dementia care sector, focusing on home based therapies, counselling & Dementia care training for family carers and professionals. This includes counseling after the diagnosis, training for family carers and healthcare professionals, care planning assistance, and activity planning. They have regular support group meetings. Contact them to know more.

Much of the information on this page is courtesy the website Dementia Care Notes, run by Swapna Kishore, one of the foremost dementia resource persons in India. For a complete and constantly updated list of city-wise dementia care resources, which also include support groups, please check 

About the author

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Silver Talkies

Silver Talkies is a pioneering social enterprise on a mission since 2014 to make healthy and active ageing a desirable and viable goal for older adults. Their belief is that active ageing is the most promising and economical form of preventive healthcare and with an empowering and enabling environment, older adults can age gracefully and with dignity.

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